CRC is expanding its focus on the valley’s landscape by having a director of Terrestrial Programs. This will take into account awareness of various land management programs including forest fuel mitigation projects, landscape restoration projects, and wildlife programs.
Heading up these programs is Scott Tomson. Contact Scott via
E-mail : or reach him at: 406-499-0724
Click here to download the CRC’s Fuels Mitigation Grant
Forest Fuels
Recently CRC is facilitated a large scale grant project with many of the homeowners at Big Sky Lake.
CRC is committed to protecting the Seeley Lake area from wildfire.
As such, CRC is heavily involved in fuels management efforts in the valley. This includes providing general information, completing forest fuels assessments and providing assistance in setting up Community Fire Protection grants.
CRC has also participated in the local Fuels Task Force, which involves several agencies and organizations in the Seeley Lake and Swan valleys. Learn more about the Fuels Task Force »
For a Fuels Mitigation Grant application, click here to download.
An Assortment of Fuels Information
Read the Seeley-Swan Fire Plan - 2019 update
Fuels reduction - thinning ladder fuels.
First prepared in 2004, this updated plan helps guide and focus wildfire mitigation activities in the Seeley Lake-Clearwater River watershed as well as the Swan River watershed.
The Fire Plan identifies significant wildfire risks to the communities and outlines an action plan to reduce or eliminate fire impacts. It includes resources and information to assist county residents, public and private organizations, local government, and others interested in planning for wildfire risk reduction. This includes a list of action steps that will assist both communities in reducing and preventing loss from future wildfire events.
Click here to download the plan. (3.5)MB
View this Fuels Mitigation Program - Zoom Meeting - June 30, 2020
Tips to Help Protect Your Home from Wildfires - information from a CRC event in which Dr. Jack Cohen, retired physical scientist from the Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory shared following the 2017 Rice Ridge Fire.
Photography: Jeff Harrits