Aquatic Invasive Species
Read the Aquatic Invasive Species Lake Monitoring 2021 report (October 29, 2021), which focuses on CRC’s efforts to provide early detection of zebra and quagga mussels. Questions or comments about the report can be sent to
Jon Haufler (
Early detection - setup for a “horizontal tow.” Photo: Emily McGuirt
Click here to learn more about CRC’s efforts over the years
to stay on top of Aquatic Invasive Species.
General Information
Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) are non-native plants, animals, microbes and pathogens that live in the water and when introduced to our waters thrive and out-compete native species, disrupting the ecological balance and causing harm to our rivers, streams, and lakes, and their native dwellers.
Invasive mussels Photo source: stock
Montana has already been infested by several AIS, including whirling disease, New Zealand mud snails, and Eurasian Watermilfoil, just to name a few. The waters in our valley are virtually free of all AIS, except whirling disease. The biggest threat to Montana waters is the Zebra Mussel and its close relative the Quagga Mussel, also known as dreissenid mussels. These animals were transported from their native Black Sea waters in the ballast water of ocean-going vessels to the St. Lawrence seaway and the Great Lakes. They were first discovered in the Great Lakes in 1988. Since that time they have spread to nearly every state in the lower 48. Some eastern seaboard states do not have enough calcium in their waters to support the mussels. In the west, the block of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming are the only dreissenid mussel-free states. We want to keep it that way.
In addition to snails and mussels, aquatic plants pose a threat to our waterways. Invasive Eurasian Watermilfoil and Curly Leaf Pondweed have recently been identified in Montana, as close as the Clark Fork River. These and other highly invasive plants are cause for concern as well.
Locally, Fragrant Waterlily are of big concern.
photo: Alicia Dixon
What can be done to protect our waters from these invaders?
Public education
No one wants to harm our waters by introducing an invasive. The more people know about the threat and simple steps to take to prot*ect against transporting an invasive into our valley, the less likely an invasion becomes. CRC works with our neighbors and partners to provide workshops and presentations to the public and the staff who work in our lake-side parks.
Several informative links* include:
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MT FWP):
>> Protect Montana Waters from Aquatic Invasive Species
>> AIS: What You Can Do
“Bearfoot Theory” Blog: A personal view and awareness of the issue.
>> Clean Drain Dry: Prevent The Spread Of Aquatic Invasive Species
Macroinvertebrate Workshop - July 2020 Photo by Emily McGuirt
Watercraft Inspection
Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks has established mandatory watercraft inspection stations on all major highways coming into the state and at major crossroads within the state. (See inspection locations provided by MT FWP)
The inspection station at Clearwater Junction (Hwy 200 and Hwy 83) continues to be one of (if not) the busiest in the state. In 2022, it had 31,612 inspections, (Read the complete MT FWP AIS Prevention Report 2022. )
One of the most important and most effective tasks of the inspection staff is outreach and education of all the boaters recreating in Montana waters. Thanks to everyone’s efforts, hopefully we’re all seeing more boaters and recreational enthusiasts (of all kinds) remembering to "Clean, Drain, Dry" their vessels and gear.
Monitoring, Early Detection and Rapid Response
It is almost inevitable that an invasive species will be introduced in our valley. The best chance we have to eradicate it is to detect it before it is too well established and start removal treatment right away.
Photo: Emily McGuirt
Hundreds of pairs of eyes are looking at our waters everyday; boaters, anglers, swimmers, divers, skiers... If they can be trained to recognize what plants and what animals belong, they will be more likely to recognize something that is not native - that doesn't belong.
CRC's Specific Efforts Over The Years
In addition to education workshops on topics like aquatic vegetation identification, CRC often with the help of trained "citizen-scientist" volunteers monitors the lakes for the Dreissenid mussels and aquatic invasive plants such as Eurasian Watermilfoil or Curly Leaf Pondweed. (See the 2021 Aquatic Plant Survey report.) Volunteer teams collect samples to be tested for snails and mussels on each of the major lakes in the valley (Alva, Inez, Seeley, Salmon, Placid and Big Sky) four times (or more) each summer. Additionally, CRC has monitored or assisted in monitoring several lakes in the Blackfoot and Swan river drainages.
photo: Alicia Dixon
Specifically, when it comes to waterlilies, learn about CRC’s plans and efforts to remove invasive lilies,
Also consider reading page 5 of CRC’s Fall 2021 Newsletter and these Seeley Swan Pathfinder articles:
>> August 5, 2021 article, “Clearing out invasive water lilies” by Henry Netherland.
>> July 15, 2021 issue, “Volunteers Dig to Remove Fragrant Waterlily” submitted by CRC Staff
If you would like to help with this effort or obtain additional information, please contact Caryn (406) 677-0069 or email
Public Service Announcments
In the Spring of 2019 CRC supported the creation of six AIS Public Service Announcements. They are also available for viewing via the CRC YouTube channel.
Here is a one of the PSAs.
Lake Mead Mussels clog a plastic pipe.
November 23, 2017 - CRC's Leadership in preventing aquatic invasive mussels lands DNRC grant. Check out the Seeley Swan Pathfinder article, "AIS Prevention Grants Awarded" to learn more.
November 16, 2017 - Read the Seeley Swan Pathfinder article, "AIS Sampling Ends for the Season - No Mussels Detected."
July 20, 2017 - AIS Inspection is critical in helping to prevent the introduction of invasive mussels, however boats could still slip by and launch. What would it take to reach the "gold standard?" Read the recent Seeley Swan Pathfinder article for a view by CRC's Joann Wallenburn to find out.
On January 4, 2017 CRC hosted a group of interested homeowners from area lakes to provide updated information on the finding of invasive mussels in Montana and the impact that could have for our lakes. Please read the minutes from the meeting.