Clearwater Clarity
An event focused on the state of the Clearwater Watershed running
through the Seeley Lake valley and factors that can impact the watershed in the future.
This event took place on Friday, September 6th from 9am - 3pm at the Blackfoot Conference Center near the Double Arrow Lodge. There were eight presenters and about 40 people were in attendance. The agenda along with some of the presenter’s materials and a Zoom recording of the event are posted below.
Thank you to the Montana Watershed Coordination Council - Watershed Fund which provided a grant to cover the costs of this event. For additional information contact:
Karen Williams ( or
Jon Haufler (
Agenda (link to Zoom Recording is below the agenda)
Fragrant Water Lily
photo by Alicia Dixon
Welcome, Jon Haufler
Zoom Recording @ 00:00:01 - 00:04:30
Clearwater River Watershed 101, Karen Williams
Zoom Recording @ 00:04:37 - 00:41:30
Presentation Notes ( 4 MB pdf)
Understanding Nonpoint Source Pollution ( 900 KB pdf)
Water Quality Standards for Lakes in Montana and Moving Toward Assessing Water Quality Conditions, Abbie Ebert, DEQ
Zoom Recording @ 00:41:45 - 01:34:37
Presentation Notes ( 2 MB)
Septic system basics, Charlie Shane, Missoula County Land Sanitarian
Zoom Recording @ 01:36:00 - 02:27:00
Presentation Notes (17 slides, 1.7 MB)
A Montana Homeowner’s Guide to Septic Systems ( 24 pages, 560 KB)
DEQ Septic system permitting in Montana - information ( 5 pages, 350KB)
Break for Lunch
Protect the Clearwater, Riley Comstock
"Potential impacts of a permitted opencut gravel pit and asphalt plant on Elbow lake and the Clearwater valley
Zoom Recording @ 02:29:31 - 03:02:28
Hydraulic Impacts of Quarries ( 139 slides, 6.3MB)
Clearwater Mine Vicinity Map ( 1 page, 1.6MB)
Harmful Algal Blooms and Montana’s Statewide Program, Tiffany Lyden, DEQ
Zoom Recording @ 03:03:56 - 03:38:57
Pesentation Notes ( 38 slides, 4.5MB)
Harmful Algal Bloom Briefing, DEQ 2022 (19 slides, 2.8MB)
HAB_Guidance, DEQ 2021 (37 pages, 1MB)
Removal efforts photo by Alicia Dixon
Fragrant Water Lily Invasion and Management Strategies, Rebecca Donaldson, Missoula County Department of Ecology
Zoom Recording @ 03:40:27 - 04:13:02
Presentation Notes ( 13 slides, 2.4MB)
Fragrant Water Lily MSU Extension ( 1 page, 620 KB)
Fragrant Water Lily article, Missoula Current, December 16, 2020. (2.5 pages, 620 KB)
Sustainable Shores: Enhancing Lakefront Living by Promoting Shoreline Stewardship and Conservation, Radley Watkins, Missoula Conservation District
Zoom Recording @ 04:13:44 - 04:46:20
Presentation Information - abridged version (45 slides, 8.1 MB)
Note: the slide presentation has been abridged to include slides with information or directly related to information shared. This was done for access purposes. Please view the Zoom Recording to gain additional information used in Radley’s presentation.
Water Quality in the Clearwater Valley, Karen Williams, CRC
Zoom Recording @ 04:52:54 - 05:10:16
Presentation Notes ( 13 slides, 4.2MB)
Concluding Remarks, Jon Haufler, CRC
Zoom Recording @ 05:10:19 - 05:13:35
Zoom Recording
The recording is over five hours long and doesn't need to be listened to in one go. Presentation segments are listed in the Agenda above.
Please review the bullet points below for playback tips. Be sure to “copy” the Passcode before clicking on the link.
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If you hover your pointer at the left you will get the PAUSE (two vertical lines) and PLAY (right arrow) buttons to start and stop the recording.
If you move your pointer anywhere along the progress bar you will see a red dot: this allows you to move to any point in the recording.
The sound can be hard to follow at times; use earbuds or earphones to watch the recording.